- 380...480V AC (-15%, +10%) – 3-Phase Input, 0...460V 3-Phase Output

- Detachable control module and power module allow simultaneous configuration and installation.

- 25B-D4P0N104 has a standard control module used across the entire power range.

- MainsFree™ configuration allows you to simply connect 25B-D4P0N104 to a PC with a standard USB cable

and quickly upload, download, and flash the drive with new settings.

- 25B-D4P0N104 support for accessory cards without affecting footprint

- Panel mounting with DIN rail mounting feature 

- Relay pre-charge limits inrush current

- Adjustable PWM frequency up to 16 kHz ensures quiet operation.

Allen Bradley 25B-D4P0N104 AC Drive Inverter

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